The model code is layed so you know what the meanings of the letters and numbers mean.

Pintle Bearing

Model (if it has a black square = valve plate S/A PVB*-RS-21-C(*)-11 942223 PVB*-LS-21-C(*)-11 942224 PVB*-RD-21-HM-10 942225 PVB-LD-21-HM-10 942224 MVB5-UD-20-HM-10 942227
Pressure Range PSI Compensator Kit Spring C 250-3000 (PVB5) White circle with a line thru it 250-2000 (PVB5) 942158 239371 CM 250-1500 942159 265693
Rotation Plate Screw Model 404751 227407 C/CM 195060 227401 HM
If you have type C & CM compensator control they are show above. The white circle with line thru it = PVB6 pressure adjustment doesn’t need to go over 2000 PSI.
White Diamond = put the gasket with the small end of teardrop looking hole that points toward the compensator adj. plug.
Black triangle = it is in 919191 seal kit F3 equivalent 919308 Black square = it is in valve plate s/a White square = it is in pressure compensator kit Black circle = it is in rotating group White triangle = to be used with the compensator control only

Bearing Control Pintle Oring Model 242222 237191/237433 200088 H-10/M-10
Cylinder Block Piston S/A Kit Rotating Group Model 677061 942229 875775 PVB5 677059 942229 875772 MVB5 677060 942230 875773 PVB6
Models Yokes Housing Motors & Handwheel M lever (L) & no control pump 237192 436462 Pressure Compensated pump 231557 308334
For longer life use a full flow filtration to give fluid standards like ISO to help keep it clean.
If you need further help with this, call us at 662-871-8403